More Stuff About Me and Things

Monday, October 6, 2008

Ultimate Frisbee...A Picture of Faith?

I have been dedicated recently to having youth events that have some spiritual application. In short, I don't just want to entertain the youth that I come into contact with.

Anyway, last night we had a great time playing Ultimate Frisbee. How does that glorify God? Well, in itself, it probably doesn't, but I used it as a picture for my youth last night.

Ultimate is a team sport. Each person playing has their own roles and responsibilities. It takes all players working together to reach the goal. Teams function better when all are encouraged in their abilities and moving in the same direction.

This is like the body of Christ. We cannot full realize our full potential apart from other Christians. God has made each of us specifically, for specific purposes that are to be used with others to reach the goals God has set for us.

Another interesting aspect of Ultimate (and the reason we play at C of O) is that when we are all playing and having a good time other people are attracted and want to join in the game.

In our Christian lives, when we are living and acting according to God's will. When we are working and serving in our communities with an attitude of love, people will be attracted. We then decide if we invite them to join us or just keep playing.

Needless to say, I don't think we will ever look at Ultimate Frisbee the same way.

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