More Stuff About Me and Things

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chocolate Suckers for Breast Cancer

I was walking out of Walmart the other day and I heard a little boy yelling at the passersby. "Chocolate Suckers for Breast Cancer!" I immediately smile and thought to myself, that is not a very good trade. So, I kept on walking.

Now, it is not a good thing to make light of breast cancer. In fact, some people that are close to me have battled with it. The plight of that little boy got me to thinking about how many times I walk past or make jokes at serious issues because I think that they don't affect me.

World hunger, breast cancer, AIDs research and the list goes on. I tell people that I think that these are good things. We need to find a cure for disease and to help stop poverty on a world scale. These things are great. However, as one person in Middle America, is there really anything that I can do?

The answer is yes.

I'm reminded of Jesus' parable of the talents. A lord gave to each of his three servants talents. To one he gave five, another two and the last one. The Bible says that he gave each according to his ability. The first turned his five talents into ten talents. The second turned his two talents into four. The last was so afraid of losing what he had been given that he buried his talent so that he would not lose it. When the lord came back, each servant brought the talents back to him. The first two were exalted and set in places of honor. The last was put to shame for squandering what he had been given. The servant was thrown into the outer darkness.

I know that I am not the guy that has ten talents. Heck, I may not be the guy that has two. The truth is that all I have has been given to me by God and I am responsible for using that to further His Kingdom.

To him who has, more will be given. To him who has not, what he has will be taken away. It doesn't mean who has money will get more money. It means that whoever has the means to make a difference and does will reap benefits beyond our own comprehension. We have knowledge that a dying world needs and we are responsible for passing it on.

This includes using my limited talents to impact the social injustices that are plagueing the world. HOw can I do that? I have no money. There are many simple ways.

Pray. It's a powerful tool that we often use too infrequently or too selfishly.

Look for those that are giving to worthy causes. For example, Yoplait Yogurt gives a great deal to breat cancer research. Just buying their yogurt, you can be a part.

Look for places that participate in free trade. Thank means that they purchase their goods at wholesale costs and don't cut corners by using underpaid labor or even child loabor. The place I came from in the beginning of this blog doesn't aprticipate. I go there because of the prices and convienience. Is that worth it to promote poverty in the world? Someplaces that do participate in free trade: Target, Starbucks, most mom and pop stores.

We are called to shine like the stars wherever we are. Sometimes that just means having a heart for the things that we sometimes shirk off. I can make a difference, even where I am. It only requires me to go a few steps (and maybe a few dollars) out of my way.

I don't want to bury what God has given me so that I will always have it. I want to share what God has given me so that I won't lose it.